Get it Write! researches, writes, edits and proofreads documents and websites
Whether you're with government, business or a community organisation, we can help with anything from short text to a major document, at every stage of the research, writing and publishing process.
Technical writing and text research ...
We research and write parts or all of strategies, reports, manuals and all other types of documents. We also help authors plan their writing and support them while they write.

... and three editing services.
We offer structured,
readable and
polished editing (including proofreading). Click on a service to find out more, or
compare services.
Does writing and publishing for your consultation process sometimes seem like two steps forward, one step back — like snakes and ladders? At Get it Write!, we want you to enjoy the publishing side of things, like we do. Our board game and flipbook show how we can save you time, money and stress and help you avoid writing and publishing traps. And check out some Engage Victoria consultations we've helped with. |