The quote covers all the items ticked in the table on the Compare services page, for the particular service you chose. Please note that we do not include some items, or include variations of them, in instant quotes. Details of any qualifications to the services offered are spelt out in the pop-up box for each item on the Compare services page, on the page explaining each service, and on the How we work page, under What your quote covers.
We may make comments or suggestions on your document when we edit it. If you take our advice, some text may need rewriting, or more text might be needed. Instant quotes do not cover this extra work, or any further changes you want made after we return your edited document.
We charge further editing at our current per-hour rate. Clients commonly want further editing of their documents, and we value the opportunity to work with you to make your documents the best they can be.
Youre happy with your document, but youre too busy—and too close to it—to do the final checks. Get it Write! will:
- fix basic grammar, word and number mistakes
- fix style mistakes and inconsistencies
- make tables, figures, images and text boxes neat and consistent
- review references, acronyms and other shortened forms
- do a final proofread
- do a final formatting and layout check. MORE >>
Has your draft become harder to read as things have gone along? We fix tangled language, convoluted sentences, repetition, bloated phrases, too much passive voice and using nouns when you should use verbs. We make the writing style clear, crisp and consistent. Get it Write! will:
- rewrite sentences for clarity and consistency
- do basic accuracy checks. MORE >>
This is our full editing service, like having your own in-house rewriter / editor. Sometimes, a document needs a real makeover to simplify, clarify and organise it. This is our top-of-the range rewriting and rearranging service, to thoroughly review and improve your document. Get it Write! will:
- edit a sample of your document
- structure sentences and paragraphs
- structure headings and sections
- write simple text to fill gaps
- add preliminary and end matter
- incorporate author's responses and comments
- write a summary or case study. MORE >>
Sometimes, you just needed it yesterday! We guarantee to return your edited document to you within four business hours of confirming your order.
This service is available for Polished editing of 2000 words or less, and Readable editing of 1500 words or less. Get it Write! business hours are 09:00 to 17:00 Melbourne, Australia time, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
We guarantee to return your edited document to you, on the next business day and at or before the time of confirming your order.
This service is available for Polished editing of 4000 words or less, Readable editing of 3000 words or less, and Structured editing of 3000 words or less. Get it Write! business hours are 09:00 to 17:00 Melbourne, Australia time, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
This service is available for Polished editing of 6500 words or less, Readable editing of 5000 words or less, and Structured editing of 3000 words or less.
We understand you want your document back as soon as possible, and well make every effort to meet your deadline.
An indicative timeframe for editing your document will appear on the next page. On that page, you can also nominate your preferred time and date for the return of your document. We will do our best to satisfy your preference, but offer no guarantees.
When we confirm, by email, receipt of your order, we will tell you the turnaround time.
For .doc (Microsoft Word 2002-03) files:
1. Open the document.
2. To select all words in the document, click anywhere in the document, then enter Ctrl A.
3. Left click on the Tools menu.
4. Left click on Word count. The pop-up box will show you the number of words.
For .docx (Microsoft Word 2007-13) files:
1. Right click on the Status Bar at the bottom of the Word screen
2. Select Word Count. This displays the word count in the Status bar.
For a .pdf or .rtf file, click here to go to another website to calculate the number of words in a PDF, HTML, XML, CSV or text file. Note the word count calculated by that website, then return to this site.
1. Please choose an editing service. |
2. Please choose a turnaround time. |
3. Please choose the number of words. |
Calculating your quote ... |
Your quote is .
![]() Quotes are in AUD, include GST, and are valid for 7 days. |
Its simple: just think of a short, simple name that will help us keep track of your document as we process your order, or respond to your request for advice. For example, you might use:
- the file name (such as Draft report JS approved)
- your name (such as James Vang editing request)
- the date (such as Energy report 300113)
- a version number (Draft report V6.3).
Some of our clients have special instructions for the editing, and some don't. Many clients are happy just to let us edit their work in line with our in-house style, our editing and proofing checklists and our professional judgement. You might want to give us special instructions about things like:
- things you dont want us to touch
- your organisations style requirements (we do all Polished, Readable and Structured editing in line with our editing style, unless you tell us otherwise)
- when you plan to send us your final draft document
- when you want your edited document back to you.
If you provide us with a Microsoft Word document, we can edit it using the Track Changes feature. This makes it easy for you to identify all the changes we make to your document.
We only recommend using Track Changes if you want us to make a small number of changes. It can be very time-consuming and tedious for you to work through hundreds of minor format changes. We strongly advise that you read our edited document very carefully, as if you were reading it for the first time. This is easier to do without the visual clutter that Track Changes leaves in a document.
To upload your document, click on the Choose File button. Navigate to the file on your computer you want to upload, and click on it.
You can only upload one file per order. If you want us to edit more than one file on your order, please contact us.
Please read and accept the terms and conditions of use.
Depending on our workload, we may be able to edit your document in a shorter timeframe than indicated. We do not guarantee to do this, but want to offer the best possible service. So, if you have a deadline (such as a meeting) that you would prefer to have your document back by, please indicate it.
With our As soon as possible service, we do not charge extra for providing a quicker turnaround time.
This is not a required field: you don't have to indicate a preferred time if you don't want to.
If your organisation wants to use our editing services regularly, we invite you to organise a payment arrangement with us. Your organisation specifies a maximum amount permitted for each order, the maximum number of orders permitted each month, and the individuals (and their email addresses) authorised under the arrangement. We then invoice your organisation at the end of the month, with full details of all orders.
To organise a payment arrangement, contact us.
Get an instant quote
Use this calculator for quotes for editing of shorter documents.
For editing of larger documents, or our Written service, Ask our advice about your document.